Saturday, May 31, 2014

Interview With... a Nominator!

As some of you may already know, we have plans to interview nominators, nominees and random shippers to share with all of you. The idea is to make this a weekly thing, but that all depends on how many shippers want to volunteer*.

Two weeks ago we published our first interview with one our nominees, ScruffyLovin, and while the idea was to do one a week, we did not manage to get the next one done in time. Totally our fault, because all the nominees and nominators have been absolutely wonderful about filling out our questionnaires!

It was just that the committee was very busy with behind-the-scenes stuff as well as RL, and we weren't quite sure about the format we'd used - it felt a bit impersonal. So, we've taken this past week to really think on how we could change it and we hope you like what we've come up with for today's interview.

In this blogpost we want to introduce you lovely readers to one of our nominators, who has been very enthusiastic about our awards and nominating their favorites in our different media (fanfiction, fanvideos and fanart).

You might be wondering who this nominator is, so we shall stop beating around the bush and get on with it! Let us introduce you to...


Sunday, May 25, 2014

Weekly Digest of Website Changes

This week we have received lots of new nominations which makes us incredibly happy and we shall soon start posting nom overviews on the blog too. However, this little blog post is about the website, not the blog. So, onward we go!

Saturday, May 24, 2014

New Committee Member!

Some of you may have already noticed that our Commitee page has been updated, but for those of you who haven't we have great news!

XFChemist has come aboard as a committee member!

Friday, May 23, 2014

BtS: the Nomination Process...

At the very moment of writing this, we have just passed 60 nominations in three different media (fiction, vids and art) for our awards. Not bad for a little less than three weeks, eh? 

Actually, we have received a lot more nominations... So, why aren't they all there? Well, that's exactly what this post is about. 

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Interview With... a Nominee!

As some of you may already know, we have plans to interview nominees, nominators and random shippers and share these with all of you. We're planning on making this a weekly thing, but that all depends on how many shippers want to volunteer*.

Now, onto this week's interview with... ScruffyLovin!

Weekly Digest of Website Changes

And the nominations came pouring in this week.  We were incredibly busy with them, hence our lack of other blog posts - but we're very grateful for everybody joining in! Thanks everyone!  Here's what we did over at the website:

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Weekly Digest of Website Changes

It was a busy first week for the Awards website!  Thanks to the Awards team and some very helpful members of the Sam and Jack 'ship community, we made a bunch of changes to the website that may interest you:

New Committee Member!

We are really pleased to announce Neverendingimagination (aka Nei) has joined the committee! Many of you may already know her from Gateworld, her artwork or her fanfiction but we would still like to formally introduce her. 

Monday, May 5, 2014

How It All Began...

The committee members came into the fandom in different ways and at different times, but they all ended up on the forums of Gateworld – a wonderful website every fan of the Stargate franchise should check out. Most, if not all of them met on the Sam/Jack Appreciation thread and over the years interacted with each other on varying levels and through various means.

One of the things they have in common is their love for shippy fan works, so perhaps their membership of the committee shouldn’t come as a surprise. However, appreciating and creating fan works is not the same as organizing a multimedia awards competition! There is a lot of organizing and behind-the-scenes work involved in such projects, which is something Amara realized when she first came up with the idea to organize one – there’s a reason why there are so few left, after all – and so she dismissed it at first.