Thursday, July 31, 2014

Life is a boomerang. What you give, you get.

We are thrilled that the Sam and Jack Multimedia Awards have attracted so much attention and participation!  It's exciting to discover how many people are still active in this ship and fandom.  

We initially conceived these awards as a way to keep people interested and active, but what we soon discovered was a community that was vibrant and alive without any help from us at all!  To that end, we can envision bring these awards to the Sam/Jack shipper community in the coming years.

We're staffed by a group of volunteers who sit on our committee and turn out fantastic amounts of work. But, just because the labor is free doesn't mean that these awards don't come at a cost.  

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Lions and Tigers and Bears Oh My!

Who's up for a little adventure?

There are just as many reasons for why fans like SG-1 as there are fans to watch the show.  Some watch for the action, some watch for the science fiction, and some watch for the Ship of course! It's with all of this in mind that the categories were created for the Sam and Jack awards.

One of the things we wanted to do was bring you a taste of what other fans are saying about the works you've nominated or enjoyed. Aren't you curious?

C'mere and join us on a shippy adventure.

Category : Best Adventure

Fics nominated in this category must include elements of action or adventure.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Interview With Steadfast... a Nominator!

A new interview! We will keep the introductions short this time; the fanfiction readers and writers among you might recognize her name, as she is a very loyal shipper who has reviewed probably just about every story she has ever read!

Here is...


Monday, July 28, 2014

It's Ship Day! It's Ship Day! It's Ship Day!

Every year since 2002, on July 28, shippers around the world gather together in Gateworld's Characters and Relationships Forum to celebrate Ship Day!

What is Ship Day and why do we celebrate it?

It's simple really.  On July 28, 2000, Showtime aired, for the first time, the Season 4 episode Divide and Conquer.  Every S/J shipper knows that this is the episode when Jack professes to care about Sam a lot more than he's supposed to!

So today we invite you to take a trip on over to the GW Ship Day thread, enjoy the discussion, the fics, artwork, and vids that are posted and don't forget you can nominate your favorites for a Sam & Jack Multimedia Award!  

But before you go, over the last year, the Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Discussion Thread has been hosting a Stargate SG-1 Rewatch.  We thought that in honor of today, we would highlight the most recent review for Divide and Conquer!

Sunday, July 27, 2014

We're Back in the Blogosphere! Ship On!

Eek!  Somehow we let ourselves be stolen away from our wonderful blogs!  No worries.  As we are sure you have seen through our posts on Twitter, Facebook, tumblr, and Pinterest, the nominations have been rolling in and we've got more wonderful works of art, videos, and fanfiction to keep you all squeeing for days and weeks to come.  You can check out our website for the newest nominations in your favorite categories.

And now a look behind the scenes...

We've told you a little bit about ourselves and why we've become a part of the Sam and Jack Multimedia Awards this year, but you might not have realized what the committee has had to do in order to make it possible for us to work together on this amazing project.