A strong and intelligent character who doesn't rely on her looks to help her get what she wants. No, Sam is just a kick-ass soldier with a brilliant mind, who just happens to be an attractive woman as well. Not that there's anything wrong with being good-looking - after all, none of the men on SG-1 could be called ugly by any stretch of the imagination.
Although Sam's first appearance wasn't the best - even the biggest fans have to admit there were some cringe-worthy lines there - she managed to pique everyone's interest and quickly proved her worth to the men. Just because she's a girl doesn't mean she can't fire an M5/P90 with deadly accuracy, pull a brilliant plan out of her six or blow up a sun!
Clearly, she's not your typical female character in a TV show. She's not perfect either; like everyone, she has her flaws (two psycho ex-fiances, albeit in varying degrees, for starters) and that's what makes her so great. Sam is a genius in a field usually dominated by men and an officer in the United States Air Force - or "this man's army", in the words of Janet Fraiser's ex-husband - but like any normal person she makes her share of mistakes and isn't afraid to own up to them.
Her intelligence and strong persona can be difficult to write for even the most experienced writers. Everyone interprets certain behavior and interactions differently, which complicates things like characterization but deep down there are certain things that are just Sam and everyone can agree on that. Like how despite Sam's analytic mind she has a big heart and isn't always the most confident in her own abilities - not to mention her bad track record with men. The following fanfictions have all been nominated because the authors did a great job when writing Sam!
Well, that's enough of us going on and on about the awesomeness that is Samantha Carter. Let's start with the first half of the nominated fics in this category!
Best Characterization of Sam Carter!
SG1 is kidnapped by an alien king who needs Sam to perpetuate his bloodline & will do anything to possess her. The team must find a way to escape before she pays the ultimate price for her defiance.
Her attempts at normality have never worked before, and Jack won't stand for any attempts to apply the logic of command to their relationship.
A troubled Sam-POV reflection, memorializing what it means to be an SG and dealing with Fifth's mind rape.
The death of Jacob Carter precipitates a great deal of changes in the lives of Sam and Jack. These are the missing pieces of the story from Threads through Line in the Sand.
Sam is getting unusual gifts from a secret admirer. Who could it be?
That was it for today! Stay tuned for more reviews of nominations of all categories in our three mediums. Check our website for all the nominees (bold are definite ones that made it to the ballot) and don't forget to vote - deadline is October 7th!
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