Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Nominated and interview with akachankami

A self-professed lurker on Gateworld, akachankami learned of the Sam and Jack awards when one of her shipper friends tweeted about it.  She loved the idea of the awards and was excited to talk to us about why she made her nomination and why she continues to help keep the ship alive as a vidder herself.

Proving once again the our beloved ship knows no cultural bounds, we found out that akachankami hails from Italy in the real world.  Looking at her videos, however, it seems her favorite dwelling place on the shipper map changes from time to time.  (akachankami has been nominated in six different video categories.  You can check out her nominations on the Video Nominations page.)

When encouraged by a shipper friend to watch the show, akachankami threw herself into it with a fervor and watched the entire series in 3 months!  An avid shipper since 2009, she says she was a "late viewer" but fell in love with Sam and Jack right around Episode 4 The Broca Divide.  What shipper doesn't love Sam and Jack in that episode?

Having been a shipper for so long, she finds it hard to even try to guess a number that might come close to the actual number of fics she's read in all that time. Admittedly, she doesn't read fic as avidly as she used to but focuses most of her shipping time on creating videos, watching the vids made by other shippers, and reblogging shippy fanart, quotes, and graphics via her tumblr.

When it comes to Sam and Jack as her OTP, friendship, trust, and respect are three of their best qualities and are what appeal to her about their relationship.  They are friends first, then colleagues, but no matter how hard it might be, they never let their friendship (or the obvious "feelings" that developed from that friendship) interfere with the job they know they have to do.  It's a noble sacrifice that they make and their strength is to be envied. The mutual respect that they show for each other both personally and professionally really highlights the maturity of their relationship, which is another important factor to akachankami.  They do not act like teenagers or lust after one another as if all that matters is their libidos (unless they are infected by an alien virus, then all bets are off!).  Their relationship is one built not on lust, but on trust and love.

So where does akachankami hang out and perpetuate her love of the ship? She says she only lurks on Gateworld, but she is very active on YouTube, participating in Penguin challenges and watching vids like crazy. She really loves the fandom as well as the show because her experience with fellow shippers and other Stargate fans has been very positive.

Though she loves the ship, akachankami tells us that it is the show itself that appeals to her not just the ship.  And though she would say that Sam and Jack are her OTP in the stargate universe and extremely high on her list of OTPs, she ships other characters and fandoms as well.

Having nominated our own XFChemist for Best Editing for the video Stargate SG-1 Sam/Jack - A thousand years (Happy Bday Camilla), akachankami tells the committee that the reasons behind her nomination are many.  XFChemist has been a vidder for many years and you can see how she improves as she continues to make more videos.  She is very fast, she is creative, and she has a "great sense of timing."

Thank you akachankami for your contribution to these awards as both a nominee who creates beautiful art and vids to honor our favorite twosome, and for taking time to point out the wonderful work of another vidder and share it with the fandom. 

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