Best Sam Centric
Videos which center around the character of Samantha Carter but still have a shippy under- or overtone.
24 Hours Sam and Jack
by laci12laci
The song drives this video like a heartbeat and you will feel yours accelerate at every turn! Great use of images, music, and lyrics. laci12laci creates a wonderfully angsty picture of Sam's thoughts, feelings, and possible regrets as she treads on deaths doorstep again and again.
Because You Loved Me - Sam and Jack
by neverendingimagination
Neverendingimagination shares a glimpse of what Sam might have gone through during that missing year in Continuum. How did she cope with Jack's death? And what might it have been like to be forced to live your life apart from everyone you love with only your thoughts and memories, wishes and regrets to keep you going?
Sam Carter and Her Fireflies
by laci12laci
Amazing effects set this vid apart from the other Sam-Centric vids that are out there. Can you imagine a Sam Carter comic book? Who wouldn't buy that?!? And, don't worry, though the vid shows us all of her woulda and shoulda moments with the men who've graced her life, she gets her man in the end!
Stargate SG-1 - Samantha Carter
by XFChemist
With another great tribute to Amanda Tapping, Chemmy gives us Sam's tips for surviving at the SGC. From dealing with multiple copies of yourself, to blowing up a sun, to dealing with alien viruses that make you wanna jump your CO -- this vid highlights some of Sam's best moments!
Stargate SG-1 - Sam/Jack - SHIPMAS 2011
by XFChemist
Chemmy has such a wonderful talent for giving us a retrospective look at Sam and her unrequited love, her dreams, and her regrets. This video has wonderfully shippy moments that are laced with the S/J angst we all know and love. Enjoy!
I'm in Here
by XxxStarg8rocksxxX
A wonderfully angsty glimpse into Sam's Entity possessed mind. The combination of scenes and voice-over from Line of Duty, the scenes from Grace and the torture scenes from New Order are all masterfully blended together in this heart-wrenching video. "I was shouting for you to hear." Indeed!
True Love
by neverendingimagination
A nice light-hearted addition the to Sam-Centric nominees. This is a perfect song to express Sam and Jack and the amazing UST we are forced to endure. It must be true love because like Sam, we just keep coming back for more (luckily so does Jack!).
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