Soooooo, who's in the mood for a little Jack today?
This next group of vids are our nominees for Best Jack Centric videos. Watch, enjoy, and try not to get too distracted...sorry, what were we talking about?
Best Jack Centric
Videos which center around the character of Jack O'Neill but still have a shippy under- or overtone.
Jack and Sam ("Perfect")
by edmpages
Happy, sad, totally pissed, and at his wits' end. The smiles and smirks, the fear and frustration are all laid bare as edmpages pairs great lyrics with great scenes. Our favorite couple are front and center and we get a glimpse of Jack's true feelings. Complicated? Maybe, but definitely perfect!
SG-1 save the world, get the girl
by akachankami

Stargate SG-1 - Jack O'Neill - Hero
by XFChemist
Bad ass!!!
Chemmy gives us Jack with his guns blazing and saving the world. You can't get much better than that. Unless, you add in some S/J hugs, kisses, and plenty of UST and fireworks!
Stargate SG1 : O'Neill Your Last Day
by MacPhoenix82
Everyone's favorite action hero, Jack O'Neill! Damn he's sure of himself, kicking butt and taking names, and damn handsome. Watch as Jack shoots 'em up, takes 'em down, and gets the girl.
The One I Love
by UhSir
Have you ever wondered how Jack made it through the hell that Ba'al put him through in Abyss? Why was he so afraid of giving Ba'al what he wanted? Who was he really trying to protect? UhSir gives us a glimpse into his mind in this amazing video that dances between darkness and despair and love and light.
What Makes Jack O'Neill Special
by laci12laci
He's hot, he's funny, he's hot...Damn, Sam is one lucky gal! laci12laci packs the best of Jack into this short but oh-my-goodness so sweet tribure to Jack O'Neill. Grab a cold beverage to cool yourself down because you can't watch this without feeling the heat!
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