So you start reading a fic by one of your favorite authors and alongside our favorite foursome there's a new character. You don't know their name. You don't know what they do. And you find out that they are not just any new character, they are a character who plays a big role in the plotline of the story. You freeze, you pause, you I keep reading and give this "new" person a chance or do I change the page with a click of my mouse and go back to what I know?
Like all of the fiction nominated for these awards, the fiction nominated in the category of Best Original Character all have awesome storylines. What sets them apart is the addition of some great original characters who are woven so well into the tapestry of the story that you won't even remember that they are not usually a part of the SGC.
Best Original Character!
Nominations in this category can be works of any length, genre or rating. Original characters must appear in more than three scenes and have dialogue. The work is being judged on how well the author has developed an original character, not necessarily on the work as a whole.