Time for another interview! This time we have someone who is relatively new to the fandom; she lives in Texas, like one of our favorite generals and started publishing her first fic about two years ago. At this very moment, she has been nominated seven (7!) times for a Sam & Jack Multimedia Award.
Ring any bells yet?
If not, that's fine too. Just keep on reading to learn more about the wonderful author known as...
From the very beginning she saw the sparks fly between Sam and Jack - arm wrestling anyone? - and knew they were destined to be together. Three episodes in and she was completely hooked! Every episode was scoured for evidence of the ship and bluemoonmaverick could see it pretty much everywhere.
Soon, she turned her attention to fanfiction. She devoured as much as she could which, at the time, was a lot. If it was well written, bluemoonmaverick read it and may even have been influenced by it. Since the discovery of this lovely fandom, she has found several favorite authors and stories you can find on her profile page.
Aside from writing and reading fanfic, she also enjoys fanart and vids made by other shippers. Spending time on boards/forums is something she likes as well, although she's the first to admit she's a first class lurker.
Bluemoonmaverick can easily pinpoint the appeal of the ship to her: the chemistry between the actors if off the charts. Without chemistry, there is no ship. Beyond that, she feels the "forbidden love" nature of their relationship plays a major role. The fact they are in the same chain of command is obviously a rather big obstacle, but their age difference is also an important factor in her mind.
"Don't be shy! What's the worst that could happen?"
- bluemoonmaverick
At the moment, bluemoonmaverick has written 23 stories (two of which are works in progress, or WIPs) and the time it takes to write them varies. Oneshots usually only take a day or two and she writes them as they come to her. In contrast, she always works from an outline for her longer stories, just so she knows exactly where she wants to take it from the very beginning. If necessary, she'll spend time doing a little research for the storyline. All of this means that longer stories, like The Morrigan and Five Nights in Nottingham, can take a few months before they're complete.

Like we mentioned at the beginning of this post, bluemoonmaverick is nominated seven times so far! She's incredibly flattered to be included as a nominee with some of the other authors on the list. It's almost unbelievable to her. The competition is, in her words, "all crazy talented". There are several she suspects are published authors - or they should be!
Sam and Jack are definitely bluemoonmaverick's One True Pairing (OTP), so hopefully we'll see more of her writings in the future. Below is a list of the categories in which she is nominated. Make sure to check out her stuff!

The Morrigan
Best Altnerate Reality - Midnight at the Oasis (also see this blog post)
Best Comedy - Five Nights in Nottingham
Handsome Pants
Best Tag - Reflections on a Broken Surface
Best Author
We'll be back with more interviews and category highlights later, so keep an eye on our blog. Also, don't forget to register to vote for the Sam & Jack Multimedia Awards! Deadline is the end of this month, before the voting opens.
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