And the adventure continues...
We recently highlighted several fanfiction nominations from the Adventure category. But, we have so many great nominees that we couldn't bring all of them to you in one post!
So, change into your BDUs, grab your tac vest and your P90, because we're stepping through the gate to find alien planets, crashed ships, strange artifacts, missing stargates, and yes, we really are off to see the wizard.
Living on the Edge by Traycer
BettyHall223 was so entranced by Tracyer's storytelling that she says,"once I started reading this, I couldn't stop!"
According to kahless21, "Amazing is the only way to describe this story."
And while sammie77 says it was "Excellent!" and "well written," froggy0319 goes a step further telling readers that this wonderful adventure "had my heart in my throat!"
Trapped without a working ship or a stargate in sight, forced to become parents to a motherless child, what will Jack and Sam do? How will this effect their relationship and what does it mean for their future if they are finally able to find their way home?? Each chapter will have you Living on the Edge.
Smaller Victories by bluemoonmaverick
How did the team spend their time on P3X-234 after the events of Nemesis? What's behind those looks between Sam and Jack after they get back? And why the heck did Teal'c grow a blonde goatee?
And, StargateHeroes sums it up wonderfully telling us that it was a "great story...always in character and quite funny! I praise you on your characterization."
A humorous and heartfelt take on a mysterious period of time that the PTB never addressed, alwayssmilngsam not only praises the story by saying it was "Great!" but also tells bluemoonmaverick that her story has "inspired me to watch that episode again, right now, with your story in mind!"
So, aren't you curious to find out what Jack and Sam were up to? Smaller Victories will keep you on your toes.
The Morrigan by bluemoonmaverick
Sam and Jack enter hyperspace in the X-302 and wind up off course and stranded on a planet with a medieval culture, no stargate, and an unfamiliar Goa'uld.
Channach, one of our nominated vidders, says what many readers were thinking when they came to the end of the grand adventure, "It is a beautiful story and goes right into my favorites!"

Vdubbya has more praise for this adventure, telling the author that, "You absolutely nailed the characters - all of them from Sam and Jack down to Hammond and Siler...your plot has it all: action, drama, adventure, suspense, UST, enjoyable read all the way around.
This beautifully shippy adventure has something for everyone - whump, h/c, angst, UST, a little M-rated romance, and does it also have a happy ending? Well, find out for yourself when you get wrapped up in The Morrigan.
The Odyssey by Carhop
damnflamingos keeps her opinion short and sweet, telling the author that she "really enjoyed reading this story."
We all know that it has to be more than just good to read it again and Dinnylinny tells us that "I've read it twice and enjoyed it more the second time!"
With another brief set of kind words for the author, KrisK boasts "this is a wonderful story."
And, Jana couldn't wait to finish the story, "it took me two whole evenings to read and it was definitely worth it.
The Raggedy Edge by Annerb
During a rescue mission gone awry, Sam and Jack end up stranded in another galaxy where they find themselves passengers on a ship called Serenity. (This story is a Firefly/SG-1 crossover.)
Nothing but rave reviews for Annerb's crossover as vanedusk tells us that "This is one of the most AMAZING pieces I have ever read...absolutely outstanding!"
Bil is in love with this "incredibly awesome story!" He has nothing but compliments about how the author "weaves together two different universes without a hitch" and "captured the characters beautifully."
Also smitten with Annerb's work, bigdamnheroes gushes "I'm in love. This is beautiful. Just...oh."
Leaving some speechless and others unable to stop raving, Annerb's ability to create stories that leave us wanting more is one that most fic authors crave. For an unusual adventure that will keep you laughing while on the edge of your seat, The Raggedy Edge just may be what you are looking for.
The Torment of Tantalus by Karibou
The team explores an abandoned off-world structure and makes a discovery that has some unintended consequences for Carter and O'Neill.
"Heat and a good story, doesn't get much better than that!" -- Holy Hannah
The Magic Bringer lets Karibou know "You had me whacking my head on the desk in frustration, muffling moans, and laughing out loud. Job well done!"
Perhaps locardxchange puts it best, "This is the first time I've had to go and take a cold shower after reading a SG-1 story."
Like a classic romance novel, this story brings together adventure and steamy romance. So turn up the A/C and get reading!
Sam's in a foul mood and the guys are giving her the silent treatment. Heck of a way to start a mission. And, what's with the gold shoes?

While RoseA26 says it was "Excellent...thanks so much for the ride."
TubaPrincess compliments the author on her writing style as well as her story. "This is such a fantastic story! I loved the alliterations in your descriptions...a hugely compelling story!"
And 3 fries short of a happy meal wants to know, "Are you going to write a sequel?"
Yellow brick road, shoes that won't come off your feet, and wicked witches? Nope, not that movie. Akamaimom gives us a great little twist on the Jack's favorite movie. Try The Wizard of Mazd today.
Under Fire by Strix varia
On one of their first adventures through the gate, Sam has to prove to herself that she can operate competently when things get rough.
Furyism touches on some of their favorite aspects of this story when telling everyone that this is "One of the best fics I've seen in awhile, with great (and believable) Sam whumpage, epic adventure and team bonding to all comes together just the way it should."
At a loss for words, syzygy13 simply tells the author "I loved it. Your writing - incredible. Your story - incredible."
And in a gushing review that is but truncated here, SG1-Fanfic praises the story with "Great descriptions...loved the characterizations...great build up of suspense and danger...I could say so much more...and pull out many of my favorite lines...but then I'd have your whole fic her on this review!"
Join the team in an Jurassic Park-like adventure and see Sam struggling to prove she can be one of the best. Will she be able to figure things out when she is Under Fire?
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