Two of them are a few years old and one is by a new author, but that doesn't necessarily make one more popular than the other. All three are relatively long, multi-chapter stories though, so make yourself comfortable before settling in to read!
The Continuation of the Best Alternate Reality Category
It's August 1990, and Sam and Jack are both called up to serve in the Gulf War. When their paths cross, what lasting impact do they make on each other?
The longest of today's selection, but you don't really notice it when reading. As a matter of fact, this alternate reality story set prior to the original film is likely to leave you wanting more! You certainly wouldn't be the first begging this new author for a sequel - and she's said she's considering it!
The summary doesn't quite prepare you for the rough journey these alternates of our favorite characters go through, but it's well worth the read. There's a reason this fic has been nominated in multiple categories, after all. Without giving too much away, we'll tell you the story will show you a big part of Sam's military past and more of the snippets used in the show when referring to Jack's experiences in black ops.
If you enjoy pre-series fics that aren't all about romance, then this might just be the one for you! It's a great take on what might have happened if Sam and Jack had made different choices in their lives by a fairly new - and very talented - fan of the show. Well written, great characterizations, the start of a lovely friendship... all wrapped up in a little over sixty thousand words!
Alternate realities are old news for SG-1. So is time travel. But when half of the team steps onto an Earth that's not only not theirs, but thirty years in the future, old news suddenly means not fully informed. With that Earth all but destroyed by an enemy more devastating than they've ever imagined, hope lies within a young scientist who simply wants to forget. They say there's no place like home. But between battling aliens, memories, tomatoes, math that just won't make sense, and the occasional zombie...will they ever get there? Or will they find a way to make this scorched Earth their home?

This story has loads of original characters (OCs) and none of them read like a copy of a character we're already familiar with. Nope. Genuine original characters, which is probably why this fic has also been nominated in the Best Original Character category.

An Ancient device sends Jack and Sam to a world where everything is just a little bit... wrong. Why? Can they cope with the differences? And, most importantly, can they find their way back?

This story shows us yet another possibility of what could have been if different choices had been made in the past. Not just by Sam and Jack, but the others as well. If you want to find out how different Sam's life could have been if one thing had gone differently and how much seeing it affects 'our' Sam, this is your story.
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